iqwijodiro / MyWorkAndLearning

This file briefly shows some of what I've learned by creating

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This file briefly shows some of what I've learned by creating

Hello, I am looking for the opportunity to grow as a front-end developer and bring value to development teams. I have some experience with Vue (v2) Vuetify(v2) and Nuxt (v2) and have learned a lot and I know I'm missing even more; however I'm looking for a scenario to challenge myself and grow while collaborating and contributing. I show you a little bit of my humble work

Vue + Nuxt + Vuetify (v2) Inicio - SEGO School LMS

Formación teológica online - Theo Academy

Formación teológica online - Theo Academy - the-God-academy

iqwijodiro/TeoAcademy at newDesign-V2 ( (Not deployed: heroku changes)

Wordpress Skills (Elementor, Woocommerce, Tutor LMS, Themes)

Tu Academia Teológica Online | Theo Academy (Using Elementor, Elementor Pro, Essentials addons for Elementor)

Praderas de Alajuela | Condominios (No Builders, just HTML, CSS, PHP)

Aliado comercial Sego Training | Empresas (No Builders, just HTML, CSS, SCSS, Gulp, JS, Bootstrap, PHP)

HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap 5 & Figma (my designs)

SADA | Asesoría Financiera

A basic Landing to learn basic Webpack - Reciped - Your Recipe Bank

iqwijodiro/reciped-blog: This is a blog created by me, to learn and develop my skills with the basics of the web: HTML, CSS (SCSS) and JavaScript

A Basic Landing to learn about Gulp.js and SCSS new syntax beat-meet_music_festival/gulpfile.js at master · iqwijodiro/beat-meet_music_festival


This file briefly shows some of what I've learned by creating