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Update custom widgets example

rossant opened this issue · comments

May need to tweak a few examples with custom widgets in the notebook to make them work with IPython 2.x (see this issue in IPython).

Apparently, to work with IPython 2.x, widget.DOMWidgetView needs to be replaced by IPython.DOMWidgetView, and manager.WidgetManager needs to be replaced by IPython.WidgetManager.

HI, I'm not having any luck getting this to run (using the code I downloaded from the book reference). I'm getting a wrappedError. I think it has something to do with the issue you mention here as this problem sees similar https://gitter.im/ipython/ipython/help/archives/2015/06/02

I think something may have got lost in the update of the code in the book and download. I know you mention it above, but just to be clear, the line:
WidgetManager.register_widget_view should read:

Otherwise all good. (your book is a revelation so far - well worth the money)

Thanks for the tip! The book's code deserves an update with Jupyter 4.0, especially the widget part. I'm currently busy with the minibook's new edition, so maybe afterwards...!