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Re-enable CI for js-cid

vmx opened this issue · comments

Probably due to moving js-cid from ipld to multiformats the CI got lost. Can you please configure https://github.com/multiformats/js-cid/ to have Jenkins again? It's a normal JavaScript project, nothing special is needed.

PS: I hope it's the right issue tracker for such tasks.

I'm seeing that's it's enabled on the Jenkins side: https://ci.ipfs.team/job/Multiformats/job/js-cid/

It was already enabled when the move happened! Job is here: https://ci.ipfs.team/job/Multiformats/job/js-cid/

What was lost though, was the CI team having write access to js-cid repo, so the status commit never appeared. I've added the CI team now so it should work properly.

@victorb by CI team do you just mean that https://github.com/ImmutableJenkins needs write access to all repos that Jenkins will run tests for?

@victorb Can you tell me again how I trigger a job on a PR where it wasn't started yet?

@eefahy no, each organization has a ci team (which ImmutableJenkins is part of) that needs to have the write permission to the repositories.

@vmx hm, not sure what you mean exactly. If a PR hasn't been build, you can try going to https://ci.ipfs.team/job/Multiformats/job/js-cid/ and then clicking "Scan Repository Now" on the left to force a rescan. Jenkins should automatically pick up the PRs within seconds though.

If a PR hasn't been build, you can try going to https://ci.ipfs.team/job/Multiformats/job/js-cid/ and then clicking "Scan Repository Now" on the left to force a rescan.

@victorb That's exactly what I was asking for. Thanks a lot!