Make it easier to work with NativeTokens
Thoralf-M opened this issue · comments
Thoralf-M commented
In and there are a few places where things with NativeTokens are done and currently I use a HashMap where I insert the TokenId and the amount, so I can add it up from multiple outputs. I now thought about doing a wrapper which makes it easier to do such things than with the HashMap API directly (but using a HashMap internally).
Currently not easy to use and requires more code.
Now I use
if let Some(native_tokens) = output_data.output.native_tokens() {
for native_token in native_tokens.iter() {
match total_native_tokens.entry(*native_token.token_id()) {
Entry::Vacant(e) => {
Entry::Occupied(mut e) => {
*e.get_mut() += *native_token.amount();
would be great to have something like
if let Some(native_tokens) = output_data.output.native_tokens() {
- It should be easy to merge
with the same TokenId together (for example if already existing in a HashMap the amount should be added)
Open questions (optional)
Is there a better alternative than using a HashMap and could other operations also be useful?
Are you planning to do it yourself in a pull request?
Maybe, depending on how the implementation should look.