ionide / Fornax

Scriptable static site generator using type safe F# DSL to define page templates.

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Fornax Core as nuget package

kMutagene opened this issue · comments

It would be cool if the Fornax core package that contains the basic types and the HTML DSL could be published as library on nuget.
It would be easier to create packages that contain components for Fornax that way (currently, you have to include the compiled fornax dll in a package to do that)

A (welcome) duplicate of #70 (comment)

This will be necessary for the future distribution of themes and template libraries, not to mention plugins. The early adopters out there are still relying on submodules, fragile build configurations, and even pushing assemblies to version control 😱

Robert listed all the great reasons to make this happen. Is there a particularly compelling reason not to throw Fornax.Core into nuget?

Thank you!