ionic-team / ionic-starter-super

The Ionic 2 Super Starter 🎮

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ngx-translate json file has new format

peterennis opened this issue · comments

is a working example

Here is my local test:

The new json file format allows organization by page category and looks like this:

    "HOME": {
      "HOME": "استهلال"
    "LEARN": {
      "LEARN": "AR LEARN"
    "CONTACT": {
      "CONTACT": "اتصال",
      "FOLLOW_US_TW": "تابعونا على تويتر"
    "SETTINGS": {
      "TITLE": "AR Settings",
      "SELECT_LANGUAGE": "اختر لغتك",
      "LANGUAGES": "اللغات",
      "CANCEL": "إلغاء",
      "MYCOM": "AR {{ myCom }}",
      "MYAPP": "AR {{ myApp }}",
      "HI": "مرحبا {{ name }}"
    "TABS": {
      "TABS": "AR TABS",
      "HOME": "استهلال",
      "LEARN": "AR LEARN",
      "CONTACT": "اتصال"
    "TESTING": {
    "THEMES": {
    "MENU": {
      "MENU": "AR MENU"

It is called like this:

  <ion-navbar color="secondary">
    <button ion-button menuToggle> 
      <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon> 
    <ion-title>{{ 'SETTINGS.TITLE' | translate }}</ion-title>

<ion-content padding>

  <ion-list no-lines>
        {{ 'SETTINGS.SELECT_LANGUAGE' | translate }}
      <ion-select [(ngModel)]="languageSelected" (ionChange)='setLanguage()' [cancelText]="'CANCEL' | translate">
        <ion-option *ngFor="let item of languages" [value]="item.code">{{ }}</ion-option>

This will affect #95 and other related issues.

How do I call the translation form in ionic-super from the app?
I can then have a go at formatting a translation file to see if it works
and update the PR.

isn't Super Starter using ng2-translate rather than ngx-translate though?

ng2-translate is Angular 2, ngx-translate is Angular 4+ and Ionic 3+
The name is changed to deal with version break and semver from 5.0.0 to 6.0.1
ng2-translate 5 will fail with npm complaints for the ionic upgrade
Ref: #95 and other items that are related to this.