ionic-team / ionic-native-google-maps

Google maps plugin for Ionic Native

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Not able to Install plugin for iOS gets stuck at installing

imrranbadshah opened this issue · comments

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cordova information: (run $> cordova plugin list)

cordova-admob 4.2.1 "AdMob Google Ads + Tappx"
cordova-androidx-build 1.0.3 "cordova-androidx-build"
cordova-connectivity-monitor 1.2.2 "Connectivity Monitoring"
cordova-libgoogleadmobads 7.13.1 "iOS Google AdMob Ads library"
cordova-play-services-version-adapter 1.0.2 "Cordova/Ionic Google Play Services Versions Incompatibility Adapter"
cordova-plugin-actionsheet 2.3.3 "ActionSheet"
cordova-plugin-camera 4.1.0 "Camera"
cordova-plugin-device 2.0.2 "Device"
cordova-plugin-dialogs 2.0.2 "Notification"
cordova-plugin-file 6.0.2 "File"
cordova-plugin-file-transfer 1.7.1 "File Transfer"
cordova-plugin-filechooser 1.2.0 "File Chooser"
cordova-plugin-filepath 1.5.8 "cordova-plugin-filepath"
cordova-plugin-geolocation 4.0.2 "Geolocation"
cordova-plugin-googlemaps 2.8.0-20200709-2008 "cordova-plugin-googlemaps"
cordova-plugin-googlemaps 2.8.0-20200709-2008 "cordova-plugin-googlemaps"
cordova-plugin-inappbrowser 4.0.0 "InAppBrowser"
cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.2.0 "cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard"
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 4.1.3 "cordova-plugin-ionic-webview"
cordova-plugin-market 1.2.0 "Market"
cordova-plugin-network-information 2.0.2 "Network Information"
cordova-plugin-splashscreen 5.0.2 "Splashscreen"
cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.4.2 "StatusBar"
cordova-plugin-telerik-imagepicker 2.3.3 "ImagePicker"
cordova-plugin-uniquedeviceid 1.3.2 "UniqueDeviceID"
cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.3.3 "Whitelist"
cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing 5.6.8 "SocialSharing"
cordova.plugins.diagnostic 5.0.2 "Diagnostic"
es6-promise-plugin 4.2.2 "Promise" 5.0.4 "Launch Navigator"

If you use @ionic-native/google-maps, please tell the package.json (only @ionic-native/core and @ionic-native/google-maps are fine mostly)

Current behavior:
Installing "cordova-plugin-googlemaps" for ios gets stuck at this line and returns no error or success message for ionic 4-iOS in MacOs Mojave when installing or adding ios platform

Expected behavior:
The Plugin should install successfully

Screen capture or video record:
Screenshot 2020-07-14 at 9 14 19 PM

It's depends on your internet and your PC environment.

The dependency plugin takes long time for some people.

Please install it from local first, then install this plugin.

$ git clone
$ cordova plugin add (path to)/cordova-plugin-googlemaps-sdk

$ cordova plugin add

Hi, I have experienced the same issue. The installation process is not stuck but takes a long time.

This was really annoying for us because when building from the CI, we need to rebuild our Cordova workspace. This means: running cordova prepare to download and install plugins defined in our package.json.

Despite a good bandwith (3Mb/s), more than 5 minutes of the whole cordova prepare process was spent on the line

Installing "cordova-plugin-googlemaps" for ios

This is barely acceptable.

But we eventually found the culprit: the size of the git history of cordova-plugin-googlemaps-sdk (a dependency of cordova-plugin-googlemaps) is more than 500Mb (!).

Our workaround:

  1. Create a new repo which contains a snapshot of the cordova-plugin-googlemaps-sdk. Do not fork it but copy it: you just copy all the source files (without the big 500Mb .git directory), git add all those files and commit thoses files, in a kind of a squashed commit. (We set the project number version in our commit message, such as v3.9.0).
  2. Then, fork mapsplugin/cordova-plugin-googlemaps project
  3. In your forked repo of cordova-plugin-googlemaps, update the plugin.xml file to point toward your new repo containing the version of the cordova-plugin-googlemaps-sdk:
<dependency id="com.googlemaps.ios" url=""  /> 

becomes something like:

<dependency id="com.googlemaps.ios" url=""  /> 
  1. Update your project package.json dependency of cordova-plugin-googlemaps to point towards your forked repo

🚀 Now, the whole cordova prepare process takes about 1 minute (instead of 6 minutes before) 🚀

@wf9a5m75 you could save a lot of required bandwith if you could just clean up the git history (500Mb) of cordova-plugin-googlemaps-sdk. It'd avoid doing this workaround.

Thank you for your tips. It seems the hashtag is the best way. I can specify latest tag on the SDK repo, and add #latest in the plugin.xml file

I don't know if this will prevent from downloading the whole SDK repo but indeed, it's a straightforward modification with no side effects, it's worth giving it a try!