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feat: Modal with dynamic height. Docs for class ion-page.

fudom opened this issue · comments


Describe the Feature Request

Describe the ion-page class which is automatically added on runtime when using modal controller to view a component. Consider adding an option to prevent adding this class.

Describe the Use Case

Showing a modal with dynamic height but with scollable content makes is very challenging in Ionic. In the docs here I see the usage of ion-page. But no description why and what this is.

Maybe it would be also great if there is an example of modal with dynamic height (created via controller). And/or add an option to the modal to simply set a modal with dynamic height. In my case, I want a sticky header and scrollable the content with max-height 100%. The ion-content is not suitable for that, because it's always height 0 in a dynamic context. So I replaced it by a div.

My current solution:



Change the window width and height. Here is the demo without editor. You can use the DevTool device view to allow smaller view sizes.

ion-modal {
  --width: 100%;
  --height: 100%;
  --max-width: 600px;
  --max-height: 600px;
  --border-radius: 5px;
  --box-shadow: 0 28px 48px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
  padding: 10px;

ion-modal.dynamic-height {
  --width: 100%;
  --height: unset;
  --max-height: 100%;

  &::part(content) {
    overflow: auto;

  .ion-page {
    overflow: unset;

    ion-header {
      position: sticky;
      top: 0;

What does this code?

  • Ensure the modal is always displayed as modal. Never view it in fullscreen. Keep padding, rounded corners and shadow. Also a max-width and max-height. The appearance should be a modal overview. Never mock a page.

  • Dynamic height by unchain the height. But max-height to screen edge for later scrolling. In this solution we use the content for scroll (overflow: auto). And the overflow of ion-page (which is added to the component) needs to be unset. This allows us to use sticky header.

So it works. I found a solution. But could we please support this in a easier way? There are other solutions too. Maybe with ion-content? No need for sticky header then. Maybe you got the point. Don't hesitate to ask me for more information. I just don't want to hack or write a book to have such modals. That do you think? Can Ionic support it?

The problem with ion-page added to the modal component, is that this makes the page display flex with space between. Without ion-content, you have a gap here and content is not scollable anymore.

Thank you for the request. It looks like this is more of a docs question, so I've transferred the issue to the docs repo.

ion-modal is intended to be used mainly as a full-screen overlay. We have a section in the docs about creating modals with custom or dynamic sizes (with example code) here: Sizing the modal this way requires not using ion-content. While this does mean extra styles are needed in the app, this is intentional as a dynamic height does not fit the original use case for ion-modal. Does this help answer your question?

Ok, see this as a proposal to implement a mode or another component for such modal overlays with dynamic sizes. Just an idea to extend the framework. Otherwise it's a lot of CSS hacking. Thanks to shadow parts it's possible for me to fix a lot of UI issues. Reopen if you want this. I'm fine with my solution. Btw. I found one with ion-content:


ion-content::part(scroll) {
  /* For modal auto height.*/
  display: inline;
  position: relative;

Demo on Stackblitz