ionelmc / python-tblib

Serialization library for Exceptions and Tracebacks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

drop six dependency

pgajdos opened this issue · comments

The package is declared to be python 3 only, could you please consider to drop usage of six?

Should be dropped as of 2.0

Thanks, however six is still required:

tblib-2.0.0/PKG-INFO:    >>> from six import reraise
tblib-2.0.0/README.rst:    >>> from six import reraise
tblib-2.0.0/        # eg: 'aspectlib==1.1.1', 'six>=1.7',
tblib-2.0.0/src/tblib/ six import reraise
tblib-2.0.0/src/tblib.egg-info/PKG-INFO:    >>> from six import reraise

Do you want a PR ?