iobroker-community-adapters / ioBroker.synology

ioBroker SYNOLOGY Adapter

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Feature] Evaluate implementation of WakeOnLan

mcm1957 opened this issue · comments

Currently the synology adapter supports commands shutdown and reboot.

A possibility to starte the synology using wake on land would be a good enhancement.

or a general WOL adapter makes sense too? ;-) Right now users do this via javascript adapter I think

The net-tools adapter should support wakeOnLan, but I did not test it.

I suggested this extension here as it might be a very small extension and would logically match the functionality to shutdown / reboot.

A new adapter is not needed in my oppinion as net-tools shoudl support ist and if not extending ping Adapter would be preferable to avoid running to many adapters solely for a small purpose.

But I'm open to any discussion.

A agree. I use net-tools adapter exactly for this purpose and works perfectly with my Synology.

done with PR #231