iobroker-community-adapters / ioBroker.synology

ioBroker SYNOLOGY Adapter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DSM shown as off, temperatur 0 degrees

bjornand1 opened this issue · comments

I can install the plugin and set it up, but in HomeKit, the disk station always shows as off, despite being on, and the temperature readings are always zero degrees.

I can see no log entries for the plugin/device to help troubleshoot.

But bow you start mixing things ... what has The synology adapter and "homekit" to do with each other? You need to provide more information. So please check the adapter states first and show maybe screenshots of them ... and then tell what you talks about Homekit?

Truly sorry, I mixed this up with a different issue, a Homebridge plugin😵‍💫