intlify / vue-cli-plugin-i18n

:globe_with_meridians: Vue CLI plugin to add vue-i18n to your Vue Project

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Unable to use vue-cli-service i18n:report in Windows 10

fox-john opened this issue · comments

If i want to use this command line : "vue-cli-service i18n:report", i have error with windows 10 :

screen of error on vue-cli 3

I have similar error, using bash from git for windows, with most recent version of plugin

Have you tried escaping the pipe character and/or using double quotes on source path?

Anyway, this seems a bash error and not an error with the plugin itself.

Yes, escaping pipe has nos effect for me :/

I think the problem is with underlying library used for wildcard that it doesn’t support format

I solved this issue by replacing the single-quotes with douple-quotes in the package.json:

"i18n:report": "vue-cli-service i18n:report --src \"./src/**/*.?(js|vue)\" --locales \"./src/locales/**/*.json\""