intlify / intlify-core

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


antfu opened this issue · comments

Hi, I have just read your plan for this project on Medium. And I am really interested in it. I feel the same about your points and I think we can have a better i18n developing the ecosystem. (and that's also the why I made Vue i18n Ally more general as i18n Ally for bringing everyone's' i18n DX better)

Anyway, I am here for just saying hi and if you gonna start this project, I would love to participate and contribute! Thank you! 🥳

Hi !
Thank you for your interest!

i18n-ally is awesome OSS.
I will invite you to your email.
Please wait! 😉

Thank you!
Looking forward for that! 😄