intersystems / iknow

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Emit warnings for typos or mistakes in labels and rules

ISC-NLeclercq opened this issue · comments

There are no warnings for certain mistakes made in the labels and rules file, which stop processing in IRIS. The following mistakes are currently not picked up by python:

  • labels:

    • type is missing, e.g. ;1,30,64;NLHoliday;holidays;0;;
    • type is incorrect, e.g. ;1,40;NLWatWie;typeAmbiguous: words 'wat', 'wie', 'hetgeen';0;; -> ":" instead of ";" as separator
    • superfluous space after label line (error message in IRIS: 'Invalid attribute name')
  • rules:

    • empty field, e.g. 1980;30;NLOndvw:"dat"|*NLArt:NLAttradj:NLCon:NLPrep|NLNumber:NLQuantity:NLOrdnum|NLTimeconcept|*typeConcept|NLVerb;*|*|NLAdvTime|+Join|*|*|; -> nothing follows last '|'
    • superfluous quotation mark, e.g. 1207;40;SBegin:NLAndOrBut|NLDat"+^NLOndvw|NLCon:NLRelCon|NLVerb;*|NLArt|NLCon|*; -> quotation mark after 'NLDat'