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Android app stops loading new pages

bilch opened this issue · comments


Whenever I am reading a OL book in the (official, Internet Archive) Open Library Android app, it will not reliably load subsequent pages. I will be stuck at an empty page and the next pages will not load no matter how long I wait. As a workaround I've found that if I switch to the multi-page view (the "4 pages" icon at the bottom) the missing pages will load. I believe this mostly happens when the internet connection is less than ideal. In bad conditions I will get stuck after maybe five pages, in better conditions only a few time per book. But it does happen with every book (and only in the app). It feels as if in the single-page view the app tries exactly once to load the next page and then, after a too-short timeout, doesn't try again.

Evidence / Screenshot

Relevant URL(s)

Reproducing the bug

  1. Try to read book in Android app, single-page view
  • Expected behavior: When I scroll to next page, that page should load (or preferrably, already have been pre-loaded).
  • Actual behavior: Next page stays empty, as do the following pages, and will show loading indicator forever.


  • Official Open Library beta app ("by Internet Archive") for Android
  • Currently running Android 13 but problem was identical with previous phone, ca. Android 10 or 11
  • Logged in (Y/N): Y

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Hi @bilch , could you post the links to the books you're experiencing this problem with? Are you experiencing this issue for all books?

Also, have you always experienced this issue, or was this something new? I wonder if it might be related to the DDOS attacks we had recently. Is this problem still occurring consistently?


All books, has been like this for 1-2 years.