intel / virtual-storage-manager

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Add existing cluster

UAnton opened this issue · comments

Hi! I want try install VSM on existing cluster but don't know how do this. In manual I see only clean install VSM and deploy new nodes.

@UAnton If you have an existing ceph cluster, and you have an admin node without any ceph services as vsm controller node(ceph cluster nodes as vsm agent node), now you can start to install vsm. In fact, you can upload the vsm release package to the controller node and follow the clean install VSM. So now you have installed the vsm on your ceph cluster. Then login in the UI, you can import the existing ceph cluster.

I build package. Try --controller. Every time get error:

  • set_local_repo
  • sudo -E rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/vsm.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/vsm-dep.repo
  • sudo -E rm -rf /opt/vsm-dep-repo /opt/vsmrepo
  • sudo -E cp -r vsm-dep-repo/vsm-dep-repo /opt
  • sudo -E cp -r vsmrepo /opt
  • sudo -E cp vsm.repo /etc/yum.repos.d
    cp: cannot stat ‘vsm.repo’: No such file or directory

Where I can read manual? - not normal manual.

@UAnton If you only want to install controller at first time with parameters "--controller ", you should run commands like "./ -v 2.1 --controller --prepare".

To made this start on CentOS 7, we must commented some entries in vsm.spec and vsm-dashboard.spec files.

#BuildRequires:    python-keystoneclient
#BuildRequires:    python-oslo-config

Yes, I think you are right. Two packages that you list are not necessary when packing. You can commit and PR. Thanks.