intel / intel-extension-for-pytorch

A Python package for extending the official PyTorch that can easily obtain performance on Intel platform

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operator does not exist for XPU backend

jinz2014 opened this issue · comments

I am using DPCPPExtension in Intel Python extension. For the following error message when running a test program, is 'XPU' backend (similar to 'CUDA') missing ? Thanks for the suggestions and comments.

File "/home/miniconda3/envs/centernet_xpu/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/", line 692, in call
return self._op(*args, **kwargs or {})
NotImplementedError: This could be because the operator doesn't exist for this backend, or was omitted during the selective/custom build process (if using custom build). If you are a Facebook employee using PyTorch on mobile, please visit for possible resolutions. It is only available for these backends: [CPU, CUDA, BackendSelect, Python, FuncTorchDynamicLayerBackMode, Functionalize, Named, Conjugate, Negative, ZeroTensor, ADInplaceOrView, AutogradOther, AutogradCPU, AutogradCUDA, AutogradHIP, AutogradXLA, AutogradMPS, AutogradIPU, AutogradXPU, AutogradHPU, AutogradVE, AutogradLazy, AutogradMTIA, AutogradPrivateUse1, AutogradPrivateUse2, AutogradPrivateUse3, AutogradMeta, AutogradNestedTensor, Tracer, AutocastCPU, AutocastXPU, AutocastCUDA, FuncTorchBatched, FuncTorchVmapMode, Batched, VmapMode, FuncTorchGradWrapper, PythonTLSSnapshot, FuncTorchDynamicLayerFrontMode, PreDispatch, PythonDispatcher].