intel-analytics / ipex-llm

Accelerate local LLM inference and finetuning (LLaMA, Mistral, ChatGLM, Qwen, Baichuan, Mixtral, Gemma, Phi, etc.) on Intel CPU and GPU (e.g., local PC with iGPU, discrete GPU such as Arc, Flex and Max); seamlessly integrate with llama.cpp, Ollama, HuggingFace, LangChain, LlamaIndex, DeepSpeed, vLLM, FastChat, Axolotl, etc.

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[Feature Request] Provide IPEX-LLM as an executable to install in Windows

bibekyess opened this issue · comments

Hello! Thank you for this awesome project. :)
I am trying to build one application that uses IPEX-LLM to run llm on Intel GPUs.
I want to do something like create an executable so that the non-tech users don't have to go through the hassle of installation.
For instance: Ollama provides executable for windows installation. I am expecting something similar.

So, is there some executable already available for ipex-llm somewhere? Or, can somebody give me any hints on creating one?
I want to serve llm using ollama on Intel GPUs in windows OS. So, I need an executable of ipex-llm with llama.cpp backend ipex-llm[cpp]

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hi @sgwhat! Thank you so much for your message.
I have gone through the documentation you provided before, but it didn't fit my requirements so I questioned. FYI, I want to create a service for users who should not go through these low level installations and should just install with one click.

Precisely, I want to make .exe file for easy installation/running of ipex-llm with llama.cpp in any windows PC, so can you clear if my understanding is correct?

After creating these llama.cpp’s executable files following the above documentations, if I copy all of them to another windows pc, and then also download ollama.exe and if I run them both together, is it supposed to work theoretically, provided the build-environment and test-environment is same?

Hi @bibekyess ,

  1. For your question1, you may extract the main/server executable files from the installed ipex-llm[cpp] and provide them directly to users for use.
  2. For your question2, yes, these executable files can be copied to another windows pc and will run correctly.

Ok great! Thank you so much for your response! :)