insolor / tkinter-mvc

Python3 Tkinter MVC example

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This demo project is based on the original file taken from (archive).

Some points to mention...

The model knows nothing about the view or the controller. The view knows nothing about the controller or the model. The controller understands both the model and the view.

The model uses observables, essentially when important data is changed, any interested listener gets notified through a callback mechanism.

The following opens up two windows, one that reports how much money you have, and one that has two buttons, one to add money and one to remove money.

The important thing is that the controller is set up to monitor changes in the model. In this case the controller notices that you clicked a button and modifies the money in the model which then sends out a message that it has changed. The controller notices this and updates the widgets.

The cool thing is that anything modifying the model will notify the controller. In this case it is the controller modifying the model, but it could be anything else, even another controller off in the distance looking at something else.

The main idea is that you give a controller the model and view that it needs, but the model's can be shared between controllers so that when the model is updated, all associated views are updated. -Brian Kelley

following is a Tkinter approximation of the original example.


Python3 Tkinter MVC example


Language:Python 100.0%