input-output-hk / vit-ops


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


nix.binaryCaches = [
nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = [
nix.extraOptions = ''
  experimental-features = nix-command flakes ca-references
nix.package = pkgs.nixUnstable;

environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

Github Access Token

  • Github users who are in the IOHK team jormungandr have the ability to authenticate to the vit-ops project as developers.

    • If you are not in the jormungandr github team and require access to the vit-ops project, request team membership from the Jormungandr project team.
  • To authenticate to the vit-ops project, use your github ID to create a personal access token for vit-ops if you don't already have one:

    • Login into with your github work user id.
    • Navigate to the Personal Access Tokens page of github.
    • Click "Generate new token".
    • Type "vit-ops" in the "Note" field.
    • Under the "Select scopes" section, check mark ONLY the "read:org" field described as "Read org and team membership, read org projects" under the "admin:org" area.
    • Click "Generate token".
    • Copy the new personal access token you are presented with as you will use it in a subsequent step and it is only shown once on the github webpage.
    • At any time, you can delete an existing vit-ops github token and create a new one to provide in the steps below.

Vault Authentication

  • From your nix development environment, obtain a vault token by supplying the following command with your github vit-ops personal access token when prompted:

    $ vault login -method github -path github-employees
  • After logging into vault, if you need to see your vault token again or review information associated with your token, you can view it with the following command:

    $ vault token lookup
  • To see only your vault token, without additional information, use the following command:

    $ vault print token

Nomad Authentication

  • After logging into vault, you can obtain a nomad token for the developer role with the following command:

    $ vault read -field secret_id nomad/creds/developer
  • Optionally, you can export this token locally to have access to the nomad cli which will enable additional cli debugging capabilities. For example:

    # Export the nomad developer token:
    $ export NOMAD_TOKEN="$(vault read -field secret_id nomad/creds/developer)"
    # Now the nomad cli becomes available.
    # The following are some example commands that may be useful:
    $ nomad status
    $ nomad status -namespace catalyst-dryrun leader-0
    $ nomad alloc logs $ALLOC_ID > leader-0-$ALLOC_ID.log
    $ nomad job -namespace catalyst-dryrun stop leader-0
    # etc.
  • The nomad token is also used to authenticate to the vit-ops Nomad web UI at:

    • In the upper right hand corner of the Nomad web UI, click "ACL Tokens".
    • Enter the nomad token in "Secret ID" field and click "Set Token".
    • You will now have access to the full Nomad web UI.

Consul Authentication

  • Optionally, a Consul token can be exported in order to use Consul templates, described below:
    export CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN="$(vault read -field token consul/creds/developer)"


Testnet Snapshot

Some arguments below may differ over time.

$ bitte ssh "$(cue -t job=db-sync-testnet dbSyncInstance)"
$ nix run github:input-output-hk/voting-tools#voting-tools -- \
    genesis \
    --testnet-magic 1097911063 \
    --db cexplorer \
    --db-user cexplorer \
    --db-host /var/lib/nomad/alloc/9aab6f67-635f-e066-a823-1fde40ffee47/alloc \
    --out-file out \
    --scale 1000000 \
    --slot-no 18433484

Mainnet Snapshot

$ bitte ssh "$(cue -t job=db-sync-mainnet dbSyncInstance)"
$ nix run github:input-output-hk/voting-tools/master#voting-tools -- \
    genesis \
    --mainnet \
    --db cexplorer \
    --db-user cexplorer \
    --db-host /var/lib/nomad/alloc/54a497e0-bc1e-28af-8b15-21edaff781c1/alloc/ \
    --out-file genesis.json

Testnet Rewards

Some arguments below may differ over time.

$ bitte ssh "$(cue -t job=db-sync-testnet dbSyncInstance)"
$ nix run github:input-output-hk/voting-tools -- \
    rewards \
    --testnet-magic 1097911063 \
    --db cexplorer \
    --db-user cexplorer \
    --db-host /var/lib/nomad/alloc/9aab6f67-635f-e066-a823-1fde40ffee47/alloc \
    --slot-no 18433484 \
    --total-rewards 500000000000 \
    --out-file rewards

Stopping dryrun

$ ./deploy.rb stop

Starting dryrun

$ ./deploy.rb run

Resetting dryrun

You'll need a database.sqlite3 and block0.bin file in the current directory. Afterwards you can run the deploy script:

$ ./deploy.rb reset

Get Vote Plan to prepare for tallying

$ bitte ssh
$ mkdir -p output
$ cp -r /var/lib/nomad/alloc/957d45be-db9d-d8f6-9dea-e81694b48442/jormungandr/local/storage .
$ nix run github:input-output-hk/catalyst-fund-archive-tool ./storage ./output

Tally votes

$ ./scripts/

Checklist for Dryrun

  • Make Snapshot
  • Send generated funds data to person in charge of generating the Genesis and DB
  • Receive the new block0.bin and database.sqlite3
  • Reset the namespace using the above instructions




Language:CUE 39.8%Language:Nix 34.0%Language:Python 11.9%Language:Shell 11.8%Language:Crystal 2.4%Language:Makefile 0.2%