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PAB-Nami Demo Frontend includes bad spago command

MitchTurner opened this issue · comments


While following the PAB-Nami simple demo I can get as far as the frontend. However when trying to start the server, the npm start command runs a spago command:

    "build:spago": "spago build --purs-args \"--strict --censor-lib --stash --is-lib=.spago\"",

which gives the error:

> spago build --purs-args "--strict --censor-lib --stash --is-lib=.spago"

Invalid option `--strict'

Usage: purs COMMAND
  The PureScript compiler and tools
[error] Failed to build.

On investigation, the --purs-args is used to include "Arguments to pass to purs compile. Wrap in quotes" (spago build -h).

So, looking at purs compile -h:

purs compile -h
Usage: purs compile [FILE] [-o|--output ARG] [-v|--verbose-errors] 
                    [-c|--comments] [-g|--codegen ARG] [-p|--no-prefix] 
  Compile PureScript source files

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  FILE                     The input .purs file(s).
  -o,--output ARG          The output directory (default: "output")
  -v,--verbose-errors      Display verbose error messages
  -c,--comments            Include comments in the generated code
  -g,--codegen ARG         Specifies comma-separated codegen targets to include.
                           Accepted codegen targets are 'corefn', 'docs', 'js',
                           'sourcemaps'. The default target is 'js', but if this
                           option is used only the targets specified will be
  -p,--no-prefix           Do not include comment header
  --json-errors            Print errors to stderr as JSON

it looks like, indeed, --strict --censor-lib --stash --is-lib=.spago are all invalid commands

Steps to reproduce the behavior

npm --version

purs --version

spago --version

Run npm start in plutus-pab-executables/demo/pab-nami/client

Actual Result

npm start

> pab-nami@0.0.1 start
> npm install && npm run install:spago && npm run build:spago && npm run build:webpack:dev

npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
npm WARN EBADENGINE   package: '@dcspark/milkomeda-constants@0.4.0',
npm WARN EBADENGINE   required: { node: '>=14.17.6', npm: '>=6.14.15' },
npm WARN EBADENGINE   current: { node: 'v14.17.4', npm: '8.5.4' }

up to date, audited 995 packages in 2s

78 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

14 vulnerabilities (9 moderate, 4 high, 1 critical)

To address issues that do not require attention, run:
  npm audit fix

To address all issues (including breaking changes), run:
  npm audit fix --force

Run `npm audit` for details.

> pab-nami@0.0.1 install:spago
> spago install

> pab-nami@0.0.1 build:spago
> spago build --purs-args "--strict --censor-lib --stash --is-lib=.spago"

Invalid option `--strict'

Usage: purs COMMAND
  The PureScript compiler and tools
[error] Failed to build.

Expected Result

A running server 🤞

Describe the approach you would take to fix this

I tried removing the --purs-args wholesale, to see if it would run without those arguments being passed to purs.

This seemed to get further into the process, but failed later with ERROR in Error: Child compilation failed

I don't know it this is the correct path to go down, so I haven't tried more.

System info


Does npm start need to run within a nix-shell? It appears like I don't get any errors if I run from nix-shell (although the UI also doesn't seem to show up in my browser still in the nix-shell case).


Does npm start need to run within a nix-shell?

Yes it does. That way you get a correct (pinned) versions of all tools and dependencies.

Maybe try to erase node_modules and .spago directories and check the console output in browsers developer tools.


I'm pretty sure that this issue is solved. I think there is room for improvement in the README though. It was just the nix-shell wasn't run in my second console instance. I'm still having trouble with the demo, but I don't have any reason to believe my troubles are related to this issue.

The docs do say at the beginning

The instructions were tested inside the plutus-apps's nix-shell.

And also in the PAB section makes reference to nix-shell.

But when it asks you to create another shell for the Frontend it doesn't say anything about doing it in nix-shell:

From another command line interface, run the following command to launch the frontend application:

More explicit instructions could be helpful for us, less familiar with established workflows. I can make a PR when I get some time if that is best (or someone else can). I'll wait until after I get the demo running first though.

Created PR for some minor edits/clarifcations here: