IntersectMBO / plutus-apps

The Plutus application platform

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fromJust in ContractModel

locallycompact opened this issue · comments


Hi, there's a call to fromJust in the contract model that is causing an error I can't diagnose

  Standard Model Check: FAIL (0.12s)
    *** Failed! (after 3 tests):
      Maybe.fromJust: Nothing
      CallStack (from HasCallStack):
        error, called at libraries/base/Data/Maybe.hs:148:21 in base:Data.Maybe
        fromJust, called at src/Plutus/Contract/Test/ContractModel/Internal.hs:1500:50 in plutus-contract-
     [tok1 := SetupTokens]
    Use --quickcheck-replay=472094 to reproduce.

fromJust call is here

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Can't share code on this one.

Actual Result


Expected Result

should not fromJust

Describe the approach you would take to fix this

No response

System info



without more detail about what code you're running I can't really help you. One possible reason for this is that shrinking maintains symbolic tokens that refer to actions that don't exist. However, without more details there isn't super much I can do. I will try to issue a patch that gives a more helpful error message however.

Another possible reason is that you're trying to use a SymToken that you got from somewhere other than the model run - this would explain why the idx doesn't exist.

Thanks, I was able to see what I had done wrong. Thanks for the error message.