IntersectMBO / plutus-apps

The Plutus application platform

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Problem with module re-exports

locallycompact opened this issue · comments


Getting this with latest version of plutus (4417dfea15746596f51f313ef231fb9ecb1d02fc) and plutus-apps (7c11937)

    Problem with module re-exports:
      - The module 'Data.Aeson.Extras'
        is not exported by any suitable package.
        It occurs in neither the 'exposed-modules' of this package,
        nor any of its 'build-depends' dependencies.
      - The module 'Plutus.V1.Ledger.Ada'
        is not exported by any suitable package.
        It occurs in neither the 'exposed-modules' of this package,
        nor any of its 'build-depends' dependencies.
      - The module 'Plutus.V1.Ledger.Slot'
        is not exported by any suitable package.
        It occurs in neither the 'exposed-modules' of this package,
        nor any of its 'build-depends' dependencies.
      - The module 'Plutus.V1.Ledger.TxId'
        is not exported by any suitable package.
        It occurs in neither the 'exposed-modules' of this package,
        nor any of its 'build-depends' dependencies.
    In the stanza library

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Seriously get rid of these form fields what is the point.

Actual Result


Expected Result


Describe the approach you would take to fix this

No response

System info


Not a bug. If you're using plutus-apps, you shouldn't try to update plutus to the latest version. We depend on cardano-node and cardano-ledger which use a specific commit hash from plutus. Therefore, we need to stay aligned. We only update plutus once there's a new version of cardano-node