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Severe scaling issues with `waintUntilSlot` in emulator

MaximilianAlgehed opened this issue · comments


We have run into some scalability issues with running big QuickCheck tests in the emulator and I have identified at least one clear cause, Plutus.Trace.Emulator.waitUntilSlot. Basically, the more slots you wait in this action the more memory the emulator consumes - by a large factor. This happens even if Trace.waitUntilSlot is the only thing you do in your emulator tests!

Steps to reproduce the behavior

The following test code reveals the problem (for different values of n):

module Test where
import Test.Tasty
import Plutus.Trace.Emulator as Trace
import Plutus.Contract.Test

main = defaultMain $ testGroup "tests" [
  checkPredicate "test"
    (walletFundsChange w1 mempty
    .&&. walletFundsChange w2 mempty
    .&&. walletFundsChange w3 mempty)
          $ void $ Trace.waitUntilSlot n]

Actual Result

We see the following performance when running the code:

Wait time (n)  | time to execute test
  31               0.02s
  310              0.11s
  3100             0.92s
  31000            9.80s
  310000           {Ran out of memory at 16GB}

Expected Result

We expect the runtime and memory consumption to not depend in any meaningful way on the number of slots waited.

Describe the approach you would take to fix this

No response

System info

OS: Windows with WSL2
Plutus version: main
Machine: ThinkPad X1 with 11th gen i7 and 32GB internal memory (of which 16GB allocated to WSL2)