IntersectMBO / plutus-apps

The Plutus application platform

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Can't create a wallet using wallet-server

ak3n opened this issue · comments



The wallet-server /create endpoint doesn't work. There is no funds to distribute.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Start the wallet-server
  2. curl -v -s -d '' http://localhost:9081/create

Actual Result

ServerError {errHTTPCode = 401, errReasonPhrase = "Unauthorized", errBody = "Total: Value (Map []) expected: Value (Map [(,Map [(\"\",10000000000)])])", errHeaders = []}

Expected Result

Should return

-- | Information about an emulated wallet.
data WalletInfo =
        { wiWallet            :: Wallet
        , wiPaymentPubKeyHash :: PaymentPubKeyHash -- ^ Hash of the wallet's public key, serving as wallet ID

Describe the approach you would take to fix this

No response

System info

Plutus: 779a81d


Turned out it works but with a running node together only. So it's better to run all servers at once with cabal exec pab all-servers.