IntersectMBO / plutus-apps

The Plutus application platform

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PAB Simulator "forgets" utxos after an extended amount of time

vlasin opened this issue · comments


I ran my PAB Simulator for 15+ minutes and noticed that the simulated chain index utxo query at my script address returns empty even though there are utxos at that address.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Start the PAB Simulator with default config.
  2. Pay to some script.
  3. Leave the PAB Simulator running for at least 15-20 minutes (maybe machine-dependent, not sure).
  4. Run the smart contract that logs utxos at the script address:

utxo <- utxosTxOutTxAt myScriptAddress
logInfo @string $ show utxo

Actual Result

The query above returns an empty Map while 'Plutus.PAB.Simulator.currentBalances' returns the correct amount at the script address.

Expected Result

The query should return the utxo with the payment to 'myScriptAddress'.

Describe the approach you would take to fix this

No response

System info

Ubuntu 20.04, plutus-apps commit eba0a57 (December 16).

Can you please retest with the current master?

Retested with the current master. Yep, it is working as expected now. Thanks! I am closing the issue.