inovex / prometheus-libvirt-exporter


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grafana board + awesome alerts

cervajs opened this issue · comments

i have plan publish (if not exist) grafana board and awesome alerts to

can you share what you have for this exporter now?

Hey @cervajs, thanks for the interest in this exporter and to gather some dashboards / alerts!
We do have some basic dashboards that we could share in theory. But they would not mixins, but actual JSON exported dashboards then. I'd rather first convert the dashboards (and alerts if they can be generalized) to Grafonnet ( and then distribute and lifecycle it with the exporter.

Kinda like it's done / attempted for the node-exporter at

Or what are your thoughts on the matter?

I have ported the original libvirt-dashboard to work with this implementation, alongside with some parameterization for the job and host names at

@weshouman thanks a lot for your time and work! Would you maybe create a PR to add your dashboard to this repo?

We already discussed adding a dashboard (and maybe even alerts), but would like to move to something along the lines of to have this as mixins which can be kept up to date with Grafana updates and also contains at least some tests to verify things still work.

@weshouman May I kindly ask again if you would push your dashboard as a PR to this project?

Been busy recently, if I didn't manage to commit it through the month feel free to commit it directly

Message ID: </issues/17/2112826393@>

No worries. I just refrained from taking things without permission.
A PR is somewhat of a clear sign you are OK to contribute this.