inouire / baggle-server-deploy

Everything needed to deploy a b@ggle server in a few steps

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server won't start on `./`

chegeiser opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to start a B@ggle server on a raspberry pi. I've installed JRE 1.8 and Git. I first tried with the OpedJDK install, since that didn't work I installed the Oracle JDK which resulted in the Pi running JRE 1.8.0

On ./ I get this:

No argument specified, using default config file conf/server-default.xml
B@ggle server version 3.6.2
Use --help option to know more about the provided options
2020-04-07 10:55:21,138 - INFO  - Loading server configuration
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
        at inouire.basics.myml.MyMl.loadContent(
        at inouire.basics.myml.MyMl.loadFile(
        at inouire.baggle.server.ServerConfiguration.loadFromFile(
        at inouire.baggle.server.Main.main(

I don't know how to resolve this. Any chance you can help?

Thank you!

@chegeiser Thanks for the feedback, I'll have a look and tell you a way to fix it

@chegeiser can you try launching it with java -jar bin/baggle-server-3.6.jar instead ?

This worked. I'm able to get it up and running on my Windows computer. I can only access it on the local network though.

I have not been able to figure out how to get it open to others (my family in other cities).

Wait! ;-) It seems it just took a bit for it to show up - it is now on the public feed.

cool !

Thank you for this! It's super cool to set up a b@ggle server for my family to play.

I've tried modifying the config file and it if I change the name, welcomeMessage and language it still works. But if I change bigBoard: no to bigBoard: yes then when I try to play the game it fails.

The console where I typed java -jar bin/baggle-server.jar also give an error:

        at inouire.baggle.solver.GameBoard.getDice(
        at inouire.baggle.solver.GameBoard.toString(
        at inouire.baggle.solver.GameBoard.mixBoard(

This error is repeated many times and then it finally shows:


Any ideas what is causing this?

This happens when I deploy from a windows machine running Java 1.8.0_241 and on a Raspberry Pi (debian) running Java 1.8.0_212-b10. Log file is attached.

Also, for some reason there are two copies of my server up and running in the salon. I'm running the 'Covintine Baggle' server.


@chegeiser sorry I didn't see your reply...

Is your board is configured in english ?