inossidabile / grunt-ftpush

Grunt task for incremental code deployment over ftp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unexpected token error

Twansparant opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

I have been using ftpush for quit a while now and have added it to my grunt watch command in one of my projects. As of today I'm getting an Unexpected token error, while nothing has changed to my Gruntfile.js or .ftppass files?

Running "ftpush:build" (ftpush) task
Warning: Unexpected token < Use --force to continue.

When I try to connect with the exact same FTP credentials everything works fine?
Any idea what might be causing this and how exactly do I use this --force parameter?

I removed my node_modules folder and reinstalled with npm install but that doesn't make a difference.


Ah found it!
My .grunt/ftpush/build.json file started end ended with some strange addition:

<<<<<<< HEAD
>>>>>>> FETCH_HEAD

I deleted the file and ran grunt build again and everything worked again!