inorganik / ngx-countUp

Animates a numerical value by counting to it - for Angular

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

how can i add the special character like '+', '-'?

opened this issue · comments

I saw the angular2 demo.
hmm, it has the function to add the special character like +, -, and others.
but it was not shown in the code.
so i'd like to get that function(adding special character).
please suggest your ideas.

Version info

Angular CLI:


could you give me an example? Like do you want it to count prefixed with a plus like +25?

I mean like this 50+

In the demo, it shows how to use all the options, including suffix which is a string appended to the end of number. The options object is passed to the countUp attribute:

<h1 [countUp]="{ suffix: '+' }" endVal="345">0</h1>

okay. it was solved. thanks. 👍