Inkala / dog-breeds

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

About this test

To see this test working, clone the repository, type npm install from the root folder and then type npm start.

Technologies used

For this test I chose to use React for it is not only the JavaScript tool in which I have more knowledge and experience, but also because it is the one used in Strands.

For the chart I used Recharts because it is build with and for React, and D3 which was my first option, but I found Recharts was much more simple and good enough for a small pie chart like the one in this test.

I also used randomcolors. An npm package to give random colors to the elements in the chart.


All the functionalities that were added to the app are working as expected. I also decided to make the label in the pie chart only appear on hover because it was not very readable when they all showed at the same time. I also added a list of all the breeds with the percentage in the side for reference.


I had never used a library for data visualization so I had to look through the documentation and understand how it worked. Many things are taken from the documentation and examples.

What to improve

For an app with one single view, I don't think that Redux is necessary, but if I had more time, I would have liked to implement it.

I would have also liked to add the second chart with the top 10 breeds. For that I would have sorted the array I created with the data by picture percentage, take the first 10 and sort it again alphabetically.

For this second chart, I would have probably left the labels visible all the time.

I would have added some tests, but since I haven't done that since I first learned it, I would have had to do some research to remember how to do it and would need more time.

And I would have liked to connect the breeds list and the chart so when you click a breed in the list, the label in the Pie Chart appears. For this I would try to set the state with the active index, the same way it is done for the pie chart.

Additional notes

All working code is in the branch Master, but I will create some new branches because I want to implement Redux and the other things I mentioned. I will not merge this new branches with master.



Language:JavaScript 75.7%Language:CSS 12.6%Language:HTML 11.7%