ingenious / api-responder

Quickly create API endpoints using promises or yield for async operations.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Quickly create API endpoints using generators/yield, async/await or promises for async operations. Includes file-per-endpoint and reverse-proxy options
From version 1.2 supports responders using async/await from anonymous or named classes as well as generators/yield or promises for async operations.


github see also async-methods


In version 1.1.x Now supports async/await in anonymous or names classes

A 4 way router and server

1. A quick server with options for port, public folder and router config set on command line

        $ node server --config  'api-config.js' --port 8087

2. A server module for an app which allows the setting of endpoints in a convenient json config

   const port=8067, 
   apiResponder =require('api-responder')
     apiResponder('test-api-config', port)
	       /* responder: 

3. A router which can be added to any express app

     //  'app' already exists in application

        const apiResponder =require('api-responder')
        apiResponder('tests/configs/test-api-config', app)

4. A file-per-endpoint app server with routing determined by directory tree

     // config 
     module.exports = {
         port: 8081,
         auto: 'endpoints',
         public: 'tests/public'

    // sample directory  tree

    // auto-generates endpoints:

    1. get /v1/location/:city/type
    2. post /v1/location/update/
     //  sample response  from http://localhost:8081/v1/location/Paris/type?a=45&b=67



     $ npm install api-responder -P

Router config

Simple Format using defaults

      // in external file
      apis: [
            // Generator based (for async operations)
            endpoint: "/api/v2/data",
            responder: function*() {
              return yield Promise.resolve({
                status: OK,
                data: 56

          // or Promise based
            endpoint: "/api/v2/test",
            responder: function*(api, resolve, reject) {
                status: OK,
                data: "test"


  • method: 'get'
  • CORS: true
  • response_status: 200
  • public: 'public'
  • port: 8081

api-responder API

Routing Config

see /tests/test-app-external-config.js

1. Promise-based responder

        method:'get|post|put|etc',  // default 'get',
        responder:  function(api, resolve,reject){
        // request data

        // api.body
        // api.query
        // api.cookie
        // api.params
        // api.req

        // settings

        // api.res
        // api.response
        // api.response_status 
        // api.filepath - return file contents
        // api.attachment - true/false - file as download
        // api.CORS - true/false
        // api.headers

or 2. Generator-based responder

        method:'get|post|put|etc',  // default 'get',
        endpoint:'/v1/test/location',  responder:  function(){
        let state=this
        // request data
        // state.body
        // state.query
        // state.cookie
        // state.params
        // state.req
        // state.headers

        // settings

        // state.res.status(404)  or
        // state.response_status = 404
        // state.filepath - return file
        // state.attachment - true/false
        // state.CORS - true/false

or 3a. Class based responders - using async/await (state is passed in context - see generator based responders)

   method:'get|post|put|etc',  // default 'get',
   endpoint: '/testClass',  
   responder: class {
        constructor() {}
        async testClass() {
          let state = this
          return await Promise.resolve(
             { method: 89, headers:     state.headers }
   methodName: 'testClass'

or 3a. newed-Class based responders - using async/await (an 'api' argument is passed to the responding method definition - see attributes under promise-based responders)

      endpoint: '/testClassObject',
      responder: new class {
        constructor() {}
        async test(api) {
          return await api.headers
      methodName: 'test'

or 4. reverse proxy

        transformRequest:api=>{  //optional
           // change api (eg set api.CORS) or api.rproxy 
          // attributes by reference.  
          // See above for api options
        transformResponse:data=>{  // optional
                    return data;

To use a config either pass a relative path to an extrenal file with module.exports= or pass as an argument to apiResponser eg

                port: { ... },
                public: '...',
                defaults:{ ... },
                apis:[ ... ]

Promise-based responders

        method:'get|post|put|etc',  // default 'get',
        // Promise-based
        responder:  function(api, resolve,reject){
        // request data

        // api.body
        // api.query
        // api.cookie
        // api.params
        // api.req

        // settings

        // api.res
        // api.response
        // api.response_status 
        // api.filepath - return file
        // api.attachment - true/false
        // api.CORS - true/false
        // api.headers
        },{ .. },{ .. }

Generator-based responder

    {apis:  { 
        method:'get|post|put|etc',  // default 'get',
        // or Generator-based
        responder:  function(){
        let state=this
        // request data
        // state.body
        // state.query
        // state.cookie
        // state.params
        // state.req
        // state.headers

        // settings

        // state.res.status(404)  or
        // state.response_status = 404
        // state.filepath - return file
        // state.attachment - true/false
        // state.CORS - true/false
        },{ .. },{ .. }

Config has nominated public folder


Post body passed to endpoint responder

      responder: function*(){
        let state-this, body=state.body, response

        // do something async with post body

        return response
      responder: (api,resolve)=>{
        let response, body=api.body

        // do something async with post body



Params and query objects passed to endpoint responders

      endpoint: '/genparams/:field',
      responder: function*() {
        let state = this
        return yield {
          params: state.params,
          query: state.query


returns: {params:{field:'London'},query:{a:456,b:67}}

By default responder sets CORS header, can be changed as required

      endpoint: '/noCORS',
      CORS: false,
      responder: function(api, resolve) {
        resolve({ test: 67 })


will not have CORS header in response

If error thrown in responder, response status is set to 500

   // returns status code 500

      endpoint: '/throw',
      responder: function*() {
        let state = this
        throw { error: 67 }

        return yield am({ test: 98 })

Support download of a file attachment

      endpoint: '/download',
      responder: function(api, resolve) {
        api.filepath = join(__dirname, '../LeavingEden.mp3')
        api.type = 'audio/mpeg'
        api.attachment = resolve()

File per endpoint (auto-configure routes)

Routing can be fully or partly determined by directory tree. (mix and match with apis:[{..},{..}] configuration)

Specify a top-level directory to hold the paths and specify it in the config as auto:

Default method is get, to configure post, put or head responders use a ../, ../put.js or ../head.js for the module filenames

    // sample directory  tree
    // auto-generates endpoints:

    1. get /v1/location/:city/type
    2. post /v1/location/update/

Sample response from http://localhost:8081/v1/location/Paris/type?a=45&b=67


Add an additional public folder

                port: 8081,
                public: 'public',
                apis:[ ... ]

Reverse proxy endpoints

      endpoint: '/bbc*',
      rproxy: function(api) {
        return {
          url: api.req.url.replace('/bbc', ''),
          baseURL: ''

Reverse proxy endpoints with transformRequest

      // change method in reverse proxy using transformRequest
      endpoint: '/iplayer*',
      method: 'POST',
      rproxy: function(api) {
        return {
          url: api.req.url,
          baseURL: ''
      transformRequest: function(api) {
        api.meethod = 'GET'

Reverse proxy endpoints with transformResponse

      endpoint: '/newsapi/sources',
      rproxy: {
        url: '',
        params: { apiKey: 'c13f0b7040a0461397c250f1c94233d0' }
      transformResponse: function*(data) {
        return yield data.sources


     $  node server

Uses port, public folder and api config set in server.js

    [router] Responder listening on port 8081
    [router] Static files in /Users/stephen/projects/github/api-responder/public

     1. get /v1/location/:city/type
     2. post /v1/location/update/

Optional arguments --config --port --public


   $   node server  --config tests/configs/test-api-config.js  --port 5000 --public  './'

Sets port to 5000 sets public directory to current and uses api config file tests/configs/test-api-config.js

    [router] Responder listening on port 5000
    [router] Static files in /Users/stephen/projects/github/api-responder/

     1. GET /test
     2. GET /testClass
     3. GET /testClassObject
     4. GET /testClassConstructor
     5. GET /noCORS


There are automated tests for all the above features

	  $ npm test
  # or
  $ mocha tests

  #  or
  $ nyc mocha tests


Quickly create API endpoints using promises or yield for async operations.


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