influxdata / influxdb-java

Java client for InfluxDB

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Why that code doesn't work?

jayjupdhig opened this issue · comments

public void connect(final boolean caUseHttps) {
		if (caUseHttps) {
			InfluxDbConnector.mProtocol = "https";

		InfluxDbConnector.mConnectionUrl = mProtocol + "://" + cmServerHostNameOrIp + ":" + InfluxDbConnector.cmPort;
		System.out.println("mConnectionUrl: " + InfluxDbConnector.mConnectionUrl);

		Exception lException = null;
		InfluxDB lInfluxDB = null;

		try {
			lInfluxDB = InfluxDBFactory.connect(mConnectionUrl, cmUsername, cmPassword);
		} catch (final Exception clException) {
			lException = clException;
		} finally {
			if (lException != null) {
				throw new RuntimeException(lException);

		System.out.println("Verbindung zu InfluxDB wurde erfolgreich hergestellt");

		lInfluxDB.query(new Query("CREATE DATABASE " + cmDatabaseName));

		// Enable batch writes to get better performance.
		lInfluxDB.enableBatch(BatchOptions.DEFAULTS.threadFactory(runnable -> {
			Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
			return thread;

		// Close it if your application is terminating or you are not using it anymore.
		Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(lInfluxDB::close));

		// Write points to InfluxDB.
		lInfluxDB.write(Point.measurement("h2o_feet").time(System.currentTimeMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
				.tag("location", "santa_monica").addField("level description", "below 3 feet")
				.addField("water_level", 2.064d).build());

		lInfluxDB.write(Point.measurement("h2o_feet").time(System.currentTimeMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
				.tag("location", "coyote_creek").addField("level description", "between 6 and 9 feet")
				.addField("water_level", 8.12d).build());

		lException = null;
		try {
			if (lInfluxDB != null) {
		} catch (final Exception caException) {
			lException = caException;
		} finally {
			if (lException != null) {
				throw new RuntimeException(lException);
		System.out.println("Verbindung zu InfluxDB wurde erfolgreich geschlossen - Programm wird beendet");

...and what's the difference between AND

Thank you for your feedback(s)...

Best regards from Switzerland

"Why that code doesn't work?"
-> Will write NOTHING to the database, that was the question...

...and what's the difference between AND

This library is for use with InfluxDB 1.x and 2.x compatibility API. For full supports of InfluxDB 2.x features, please use the influxdb-client-java client.

// Enable batch writes to get better performance.
lInfluxDB.enableBatch(BatchOptions.DEFAULTS.threadFactory(runnable -> {
Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
return thread;

This code enable writes at background thread in specified intervals. You have to use something like Thread.sleep(5_000L); before do your query.

For more info see:

Thank you very much - solved! :-)