influxdata / influxdb-java

Java client for InfluxDB

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

EnableBatch and write several databases at the same time, the data be written to the wrong database.

liuxiaojianalibaba opened this issue · comments

the influxdb-java version



All the data should be written to the first database,but some of the data is written to the other database.

I think a InfluxDB object write several databases with enableBatch at the same time,there is a bug.

Hi @liuxiaojianalibaba,

With one InfluxDB Instance you can only write to one influxdb database:

InfluxDB influxDB = InfluxDBFactory.connect(serverURL, username, password)

So please elaborate how you tried to manage to write to multiple databases ?
Show you code would be the best.