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[Bug Report] lost precision for nano second _time

emeryao opened this issue · comments

This line of code converts a string to a number when the column is the _time field
when the _time is timestamp string of a nano second like "1698305602883000011" the convention loses some precision to a number 1698305602883000000

Sorry for my poor English 😆

as a workaround I tried the code below and it works for me now

queryApi.collectRows(someFlux, (value, meta) => {

  // precision lost
  const lostPrecisionTime: any = meta.get(values,'_time');

  // original nano second
  const nanoSecTime: string = values[meta.column('_time').index];

Hi @emeryao,

thanks for using our client and report this defect.

We will take a look.


Additional info

Originally the _time field defaults to a string in ISO format like "2023-10-27T07:17:55Z" in the codes below which does not contains nano seconds

queryApi.collectRows(someFlux, (value, meta) => {
  // output:
  // [
  //   '',
  //   '10',
  //   '2023-10-27T07:10:30.862780217Z',
  //   '2023-10-27T07:30:30.862780217Z',
  //   '2023-10-27T07:17:55Z',
  //   'field_value',
  //   'field_name',
  //   'measurement_name'
  // ] 

  // output: 4

but in my project I want to fetch the _time field in nano second so I add a map statement in the flux query below

from(bucket: "bucket_name")
  |> range(start: -10m)
  |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "measurement_name")
  |> map(fn: (r) => ({r with _time: uint(v: r._time)}))

with this flux query the _time field become a nano second timestamp string like "1698305602883000011" and the issue happens here

Sorry for the late info 😅

the overall spot is that I want to get the _time field in nano seconds precision in the returned data
all the tricks I have done is trying to achieve that 😅

Maybe there are some other ways to fullfill my needs if so please help