influxdata / docs-v2

InfluxData Documentation that covers InfluxDB Cloud, InfluxDB OSS 2.x, InfluxDB OSS 1.x, InfluxDB Enterprise, Telegraf, Chronograf, Kapacitor, and Flux.

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strong-password parameter/flag for OSS 2.7.6

davidby-influx opened this issue · comments

Will be available in influxDB OSS 2.7.6, April 12th or 15th.

PR: influxdata/influxdb#24857, influxdata/influxdb#24887

See linked issue above. New configurable parameter turns on simple password complexity checks

Command line flag strong-passwords (and corresponding configuration setting and environment variable) when set to true enables a simple complexity check for use of diferent character classes and length requirements.

Relevant URLs

Issue: influxdata/influxdb#24856

InfluxDB OSS 2.7.6 (and subsequent)