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how can i reset name to reuse original account name.

xiaods opened this issue · comments

2017-07-27 12 45 51

i have lost private key in my fault way. and i don't know howto backup the private key in my first try.
So i want to reuse the name, how can i reset the name in hub.

please do me a favor.

Hi @xiaods.

As I mentioned in #36, it's normally not possible. However, this time, we will make an exception and remove your user from the hub.

To restore a sane configuration, you need to remove the local user (infinit user remove xiaods) and create a new one, with the same name (infinit user signup --as xiaods --name xiados --email <your_email>).

Note that the keys will be different, hence, the resources created by the old xiaods won't match and be unusable.

yes, you said right.

infinit user signup --as xiaods --name xiaods  --email

it works once. but i want to recreate another acount with same xiaods, it will not working.