ine-labs / AWSGoat

AWSGoat : A Damn Vulnerable AWS Infrastructure

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Documented xss using <script> does not work, only the <image> one works

mathiasconradt opened this issue · comments

The first xss documented on


with expected behaviour:

An alert box pops up on our screen which confirms that our application is vulnerable to XSS injection attacks

does not work, at least not for me.

The xss using the <image> tag works as expected and documented.

When entering above line, nothing happens.

Tested with Brave (Version 1.41.100 Chromium: 103.0.5060.134 (Official Build) (64-bit)) and Chrome (Version 104.0.5112.79 (Official Build) (64-bit)), on 5.18.14-1-MANJARO + xfce. Also tested on Mac OS 12.5 with Chrome, same result.

I'm just watching the video and there the <script> tag does not trigger any alert either, so I guess it's just the documentation that should be adjusted, that one does not expect a popup there already.

So it's basically just about removing this line from the docs:

An alert box pops up on our screen which confirms that our application is vulnerable to XSS injection attacks

Thanks Mathias! We have updated the manuals with #13 .