indragiek / CocoaMarkdown

Markdown parsing and rendering for iOS and OS X

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Supporting URLRequest in inline image download

rizwan95 opened this issue · comments

Hi, is there any way to add URLRequest in the inline image download method? @indragiek

Hi @rizwan95,
Currently the image download is handled by a simple download task and only a base URL can be configured (typically for images using relative links).

Could you provide more information about your use case, and about the type of URLRequest customization you would need?

@jlj Sometimes we might need to send additional headers like user-agent and authorization headers for downloading images from authenticated services. So, it would be very helpful if there is a way to send them.

@jlj Any update on this?

A possible option could be to add a imageURLSession property of type NSURLSession in CMAttributedStringRenderer. If set, this imageURLSession property would then be used to retrieve every remote image referenced by the current document.

At creation time, the imageURLSession property could receive any desired NSURLSessionConfiguration, providing thus a high level of customizability to image download.

@rizwan95 Would this solution respond to your needs?

@jlj : Yes, that would solve the problem! Infact it will open up a lot of opportunities for customizability.

@rizwan95 I have implemented this imageURLSession property change in my CocoaMarkdown fork at

Can you test it with your specific server configuration? If it is ok, I will issue a pull request.

@jlj Yes sure!

@rizwan95 Have you made tests of this imageURLSession property?

Not yet, I will test it today and let you know @jlj Sorry for the delay!

@rizwan95 Any test result?

Hi @jlj I tested the given patch. It is not rendering basic markdown content itself. :(
I suppose something is broken..