indisoluble / AesGcm

(DEPRECATED - USE: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) with Advanced Encryption System (AES).

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How to get cipheredData from IAGCipheredData object?

harishios opened this issue · comments

Hi Team,

Need help here, I need to get the cipheredData and authenticationTagData from the object iagData

IAGCipheredData *iagData = [IAGAesGcm cipheredDataByAuthenticatedEncryptingPlainData:ciphertext

Any help appreciated.

Hi @harishios,

IAGCipheredData is a simple NS class with a few read only properties: , precisely the values you are looking for.

Hope I could answer your question.

Hi @indisoluble,
Thanks for quick response. I see those are read only properties.

I thought the method cipheredDataByAuthenticatedEncryptingPlainData returns IAGCipheredData in which the prop cipheredData is an encrypted data. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I need an encrypted DATA with AES256 GCM. Could you please help me on that?

There is no cipheredData property in IAGCipheredData, instead you have: cipheredBuffer (which is a pointer to an array of bytes) and cipheredBufferLength (which is the length of the array). You can easily build a NSData instance with those 2 properties.

Thanks @indisoluble: I tried to convert, but no success. Do you have any sample code to convert cipheredBuffer to NSData? Thanks in advance.

Hi again:

Thanks @indisoluble, I'm looking into it.