inbn / isitaccessible

Check if that npm package you’re about to install has accessibility issues

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Add database details to .env
  3. Run php artisan key:generate to generate an application key
  4. Run php artisan migrate


Seeding packages

The app is designed so that packages get added to the database as they are searched for, but for testing, there is a list of 1,000 popular packages included at database/data/npm_packages.json. You can import it with:

php artisan db:seed

Fetching package data

To get the latest data on a package from NPM / GitHub run the command:

php artisan package:update [package name]

Updating the search index

The app uses Laravel Scout with Algolia for its realtime search functionality. To sync the search index run:

php artisan scout:import "App\Models\Package"

Front-end build process

To watch for changes to JavaScript and CSS files, run the following command:

npm run watch


Check if that npm package you’re about to install has accessibility issues


Language:PHP 93.2%Language:Blade 5.3%Language:Shell 1.4%