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Missing wikipedia article leads to species info not being shown

jtklein opened this issue · comments

If there is not a wikipedia article for a species in the selected language, we don't show all elements of the species detail page.
To replicate:
Change in-app language to Spanish
Change location to New York from home screen.
Tap Ampelopsis glandulosa (purple berries)
See that it has no wikipedia entry in spanish
Scroll down and see that it doesn't show iNat observations, seasonality, or similar species. (edited)

Fixable by removing about && from this code:
const renderSpeciesCards = ( ) => { return !loading ? <> <SpeciesMap id={id} seenDate={seenDate} region={region} /> {( ancestors || predictions ) && <SpeciesTaxonomy ancestors={ancestors} predictions={predictions} id={id} />} {/* there's certainly a better way to do this, but adding about prop to make sure similar species and the green background don't load before other elements higher on the page load eventually should implement some kind of lazy loading here */} {about && ( <> <INatObs id={id} timesSeen={timesSeen} region={region} /> {/* $FlowFixMe */} <SpeciesChart id={id} region={region} /> <SimilarSpecies id={id} /> </> )} </> : null; };