inarighas / asus-touchpad-numpad-driver

Asus numpad linux additional configurable driver. Multitouch supported.

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Asus touchpad numpad driver

Tested only on laptop Asus ZenBook UP5401EA with type of numpad layout m433ia and backglight without levels (only enable/disable) and system Elementary OS 6.1 Loki.

Without % = symbols With % = symbols With % = symbols (but incompatible with the non-universal version)
Model/Layout = ux433fa Model/Layout = m433ia Model/Layout = ux581l
without % = symbols with % = symbols model ux581


  • (Enable/disable backglight of numpad with activation)
  • (Multi tap support up to quint tap)
  • (Configurable support of all levels of backlight)
  • (Configurable support of touchpad left button - usable when is numpad deactivated and during activation when device has no levels of backlight)

Install required packages

  • Debian / Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Pop!_OS / Zorin OS:
sudo apt install libevdev2 python3-libevdev i2c-tools git
  • Arch Linux / Manjaro:
sudo pacman -S libevdev python-libevdev i2c-tools git
  • Fedora:
sudo dnf install libevdev python-libevdev i2c-tools git

Then enable i2c

sudo modprobe i2c-dev
sudo i2cdetect -l

Now you can get the latest ASUS Touchpad Numpad Driver for Linux from Git and install it using the following commands.

git clone
cd asus-touchpad-numpad-driver
sudo ./

To turn on/off numpad, tap top right corner touchpad area. To adjust numpad brightness, tap top left corner touchpad area.

To uninstall, just run:

sudo ./


To activate logger, do in a console:

LOG=DEBUG sudo -E ./

For some operating systems with boot failure (Pop!OS, Mint, ElementaryOS, SolusOS), before installing, please uncomment in the asus_touchpad.service file, this following property and adjust its value:

# ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 2


Thank you very much and all the contributors of asus-touchpad-numpad-driver for your work.

Thank you who-t for great post about multitouch Understanding evdev.


During debugging rebember to disable service / uninstall already installed version of driver

Existing similar projects

Why was this project created? As repository where i can implement Configurable support of all levels of backlight and Multi tap support up to quint tap.


Asus numpad linux additional configurable driver. Multitouch supported.


Language:Python 78.6%Language:Shell 21.4%