in-toto / attestation

in-toto Attestation Framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Include SLSA provenance v1 predicate language bindings with pre-generated code?

marcelamelara opened this issue · comments

Per this discussion, it sounds like there's interest in including pre-generated Golang bindings for the SLSA provenance v1 predicate as part of our in-toto/attestation/ go package.

Since SLSA already defines a proto for the provenance predicate, it would be preferable not to have to create/maintain a separate copy in this repo, but rather use this proto to pre-generate the Golang (and other) bindings.

Thoughts? @MarkLodato @TomHennen

Yeah, I think we should definitely figure out what to do there. Ideally we could take the same approach with the VSA, which I think is only defined here and should probably take the exact same approach as SLSA provenance? (If nothing else it probably needs to be updated for v1).

@chtiangg might also have some thoughts or interest in this.