imxiejie / ThinkVim

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TSX Support

gfsd3v opened this issue · comments

What is your expect?

Maybe it would be good to add TSX support out of the box, I not a heavy vim user and I had a little bit of trouble trying to set this up.

@gfsd3v i add it support. can you test it?

I get this error while trying to install from the latest commit.


It's a typo in core/dein/plugins.yaml.
There should a space after the on_ft: in line 153.

Ok, i fixed it. please try agin.

Working great, thanks.

I saw in the coc-settings that we're using TSLint, it maybe be worth it to think about switching to ESLint sense TSLint is being deprecated, what you guys think ?

Eslint or tslint I think it should be decided by the user, everyone has his own habits, you can make your own custom settings in .thinkvim.d/local_settings.vim.

Sure, I already changed mine, I brought this up only because TSLint is being deprecated, but I guess you will do something about it when it actually is deprecated, thanks for the help and for the awesome repository :)