implus / GFocalV2

Generalized Focal Loss V2: Learning Reliable Localization Quality Estimation for Dense Object Detection, CVPR2021

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Can I substitute the bridge(topk,fc or 1x1conv) betwenn LQE and Regbranch with some simple operators?such as variance or some parameters which can describe DFL's shape

HAOCHENYE opened this issue · comments

Hi! I've been following gfl for some time, and it's a great work.
Actually, the uncertainty of bbox's distribution could produce some bad results sometime in gfl1. It seems that this problem could be optimized in gflv2. However, there are some special operators which could hardly be deployed in some hardware, such as topK.
In some way, gflv2 use the concentration of bbox's distribution to refine LQE, can I use some simple parameters, such as the variance of distribution to supervise LQE? Will this work for gflv2 theoretically?



主体代码在mmdet models densehead/losses 下的gfocalxx下

Hi! I've been following gfl for some time, and it's a great work.
Actually, the uncertainty of bbox's distribution could produce some bad results sometime in gfl1. It seems that this problem could be optimized in gflv2. However, there are some special operators which could hardly be deployed in some hardware, such as topK.
In some way, gflv2 use the concentration of bbox's distribution to refine LQE, can I use some simple parameters, such as the variance of distribution to supervise LQE? Will this work for gflv2 theoretically?


我们的ablation study跑了variance,貌似效果不明显,如果光使用variance涨幅是比较小的。

Hi! I've been following gfl for some time, and it's a great work.
Actually, the uncertainty of bbox's distribution could produce some bad results sometime in gfl1. It seems that this problem could be optimized in gflv2. However, there are some special operators which could hardly be deployed in some hardware, such as topK.
In some way, gflv2 use the concentration of bbox's distribution to refine LQE, can I use some simple parameters, such as the variance of distribution to supervise LQE? Will this work for gflv2 theoretically?


我们的ablation study跑了variance,貌似效果不明显,如果光使用variance涨幅是比较小的。

话说还想请教一丢丢炼丹心得:如果用SGD去learning from scratch初始学习率设置有木有啥参考呀。痛不欲生ING,想用cosine learning rate结果loss下降的让我虎躯一震,虎目含泪。或者说是我epoch设置的不够多(180)?