imnapo / react-native-cn-richtext-editor

Richtext editor for react native

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Image Component fail when received props fontSize and color

pacozaa opened this issue · comments

Image Component fail when received props fontSize and color

I check CNToolbarSetIcon.js it applied both fontSize and color to the object even if the component is Image

Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid key `fontSize` supplied to `Image`.
Bad object: {
  "width": 32.74285714285715,
  "height": 32.74285714285715,
  "fontSize": 30,
  "color": ""
Valid keys: [
    in Image (created by Context.Consumer)
    in StyledNativeComponent (created by Styled(Image))
    in Styled(Image) (at CreateContentText.js:583)
    in RCTView (at CNToolbarIcon.js:41)
    in TouchableWithoutFeedback (at CNToolbarIcon.js:36)
    in CNToolbarIcon (at CNToolbarSetIcon.js:34)

Ok I am doing it quick.