imbstack / generic-worker

A generic worker for Taskcluster, written in go

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



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A generic worker for taskcluster, written in go.

Install binary

Build from source

If you prefer not to use a prepackaged binary, or want to have the latest unreleased version from the development head:

  • Head over to and follow the instructions for your platform. Note, go 1.8 or higher is required. Be sure to set your GOPATH to something appropriate.
  • Run go get
  • Run go get

All being well, the binaries will be built under ${GOPATH}/bin.

Acquire taskcluster credentials for running tests

There are two alternative mechanisms to acquire the scopes you need.

Option 1

This method works if you log into Taskcluster via mozillians, or you log into taskcluster via LDAP using the same email address as your mozillians account, or if you do not currently have a mozillians account but would like to create one.

Option 2

This method is for those who wish not to create a mozillians account, but already authenticate into taskcluster via some other means, or have a mozillians account but it is registered to a different email address than the one they use to log into Taskcluster with (e.g. via LDAP integration).

  • Request the scope assume:project:taskcluster:generic-worker-tester to be granted to you via a bugzilla request, including your currently active ClientId in the bug description. From the ClientId, we will be able to work out which role to assign the scope to, in order that you acquire the scope with the client you log into Taskcluster tools site with.

Once you have been granted the above scope:

  • If you are signed into already, sign out
  • Sign into using either your new Mozillians account, or your LDAP account if it uses the same email address as your Mozillians account
  • Check that a role or client of yours appears in this list
  • Create a permanent client (taskcluster credentials) for yourself in the Client Manager granting it the single scope assume:project:taskcluster:generic-worker-tester

Set up your env

  • Generate a GPG key pair with generic-worker new-openpgp-keypair --file <file> where file is where you want the generated GPG private key to be written to
  • Create a generic worker configuration file somewhere, with the following content:
    "accessToken":                "<access token of your permanent credentials>",
    "certificate":                "",
    "clientId":                   "<client ID of your permanent credentials>",
    "livelogSecret":              "<anything you like>",
    "provisionerId":              "test-provisioner",
    "publicIP":                   "<ideally an IP address of one of your network interfaces>",
    "signingKeyLocation":         "<file location you wrote gpg private key to>",
    "workerGroup":                "test-worker-group",
    "workerId":                   "test-worker-id",
    "workerType":                 "<a unique name that only you will use for your test worker(s)>"

To see a full description of all the config options available to you, run generic-worker --help:

generic-worker 10.11.0

generic-worker is a taskcluster worker that can run on any platform that supports go (golang).
See for more details. Essentially, the worker is
the taskcluster component that executes tasks. It requests tasks from the taskcluster queue,
and reports back results to the queue.

    generic-worker run                      [--config         CONFIG-FILE]
    generic-worker install service          [--nssm           NSSM-EXE]
                                            [--service-name   SERVICE-NAME]
                                            [--config         CONFIG-FILE]
    generic-worker show-payload-schema
    generic-worker new-openpgp-keypair      --file PRIVATE-KEY-FILE
    generic-worker --help
    generic-worker --version

    run                                     Runs the generic-worker.
    show-payload-schema                     Each taskcluster task defines a payload to be
                                            interpreted by the worker that executes it. This
                                            payload is validated against a json schema baked
                                            into the release. This option outputs the json
                                            schema used in this version of the generic
    install service                         This will install the generic worker as a
                                            Windows service running under the Local System
                                            account. This is the preferred way to run the
                                            worker under Windows. Note, the service will
                                            be configured to start automatically. If you
                                            wish the service only to run when certain
                                            preconditions have been met, it is recommended
                                            to disable the automatic start of the service,
                                            after you have installed the service, and
                                            instead explicitly start the service when the
                                            preconditions have been met.
    new-openpgp-keypair                     This will generate a fresh, new OpenPGP
                                            compliant private/public key pair. The public
                                            key will be written to stdout and the private
                                            key will be written to the specified file.

    --config CONFIG-FILE                    Json configuration file to use. See
                                            configuration section below to see what this
                                            file should contain. When calling the install
                                            target, this is the config file that the
                                            installation should use, rather than the
                                            config to use during install.
                                            [default: generic-worker.config]
    --configure-for-aws                     This will create the CONFIG-FILE for an AWS
                                            installation by querying the AWS environment
                                            and setting appropriate values.
    --nssm NSSM-EXE                         The full path to nssm.exe to use for
                                            installing the service.
                                            [default: C:\nssm-2.24\win64\nssm.exe]
    --service-name SERVICE-NAME             The name that the Windows service should be
                                            installed under. [default: Generic Worker]
    --file PRIVATE-KEY-FILE                 The path to the file to write the private key
                                            to. The parent directory must already exist.
                                            If the file exists it will be overwritten,
                                            otherwise it will be created.
    --help                                  Display this help text.
    --version                               The release version of the generic-worker.

  Configuring the generic worker:

    The configuration file for the generic worker is specified with -c|--config CONFIG-FILE
    as described above. Its format is a json dictionary of name/value pairs.

        ** REQUIRED ** properties

          accessToken                       Taskcluster access token used by generic worker
                                            to talk to taskcluster queue.
          clientId                          Taskcluster client id used by generic worker to
                                            talk to taskcluster queue.
          livelogSecret                     This should match the secret used by the
                                            stateless dns server; see
          publicIP                          The IP address for clients to be directed to
                                            for serving live logs; see
          signingKeyLocation                The PGP signing key for signing artifacts with.
          workerId                          A name to uniquely identify your worker.
          workerType                        This should match a worker_type managed by the
                                            provisioner you have specified.

        ** OPTIONAL ** properties

          authBaseURL                       The base URL for API calls to the auth service.
          availabilityZone                  The EC2 availability zone of the worker.
          cachesDir                         The location where task caches should be stored on
                                            the worker. [default: C:\generic-worker\caches]
          certificate                       Taskcluster certificate, when using temporary
                                            credentials only.
          checkForNewDeploymentEverySecs    The number of seconds between consecutive calls
                                            to the provisioner, to check if there has been a
                                            new deployment of the current worker type. If a
                                            new deployment is discovered, worker will shut
                                            down. See deploymentId property. [default: 1800]
          cleanUpTaskDirs                   Whether to delete the home directories of the task
                                            users after the task completes. Normally you would
                                            want to do this to avoid filling up disk space,
                                            but for one-off troubleshooting, it can be useful
                                            to (temporarily) leave home directories in place.
                                            Accepted values: true or false. [default: true]
          deploymentId                      If running with --configure-for-aws, then between
                                            tasks, at a chosen maximum frequency (see
                                            checkForNewDeploymentEverySecs property), the
                                            worker will query the provisioner to get the
                                            updated worker type definition. If the deploymentId
                                            in the config of the worker type definition is
                                            different to the worker's current deploymentId, the
                                            worker will shut itself down. See
          disableReboots                    If true, no system reboot will be initiated by
                                            generic-worker program, but it will still return
                                            with exit code 67 if the system needs rebooting.
                                            This allows custom logic to be executed before
                                            rebooting, by patching run-generic-worker.bat
                                            script to check for exit code 67, perform steps
                                            (such as formatting a hard drive) and then
                                            rebooting in the run-generic-worker.bat script.
                                            [default: false]
          downloadsDir                      The location where resources are downloaded for
                                            populating preloaded caches and readonly mounts.
                                            [default: C:\generic-worker\downloads]
          idleTimeoutSecs                   How many seconds to wait without getting a new
                                            task to perform, before the worker process exits.
                                            An integer, >= 0. A value of 0 means "never reach
                                            the idle state" - i.e. continue running
                                            indefinitely. See also shutdownMachineOnIdle.
                                            [default: 0]
          instanceID                        The EC2 instance ID of the worker.
          instanceType                      The EC2 instance Type of the worker.
          livelogCertificate                SSL certificate to be used by livelog for hosting
                                            logs over https. If not set, http will be used.
          livelogExecutable                 Filepath of LiveLog executable to use; see
                                            [default: livelog]
          livelogGETPort                    Port number for livelog HTTP GET requests.
                                            [default: 60023]
          livelogKey                        SSL key to be used by livelog for hosting logs
                                            over https. If not set, http will be used.
          livelogPUTPort                    Port number for livelog HTTP PUT requests.
                                            [default: 60022]
          numberOfTasksToRun                If zero, run tasks indefinitely. Otherwise, after
                                            this many tasks, exit. [default: 0]
          privateIP                         The private IP of the worker, used by chain of trust.
          provisionerBaseURL                The base URL for API calls to the provisioner in
                                            order to determine if there is a new deploymentId.
          provisionerId                     The taskcluster provisioner which is taking care
                                            of provisioning environments with generic-worker
                                            running on them. [default: test-provisioner]
          purgeCacheBaseURL                 The base URL for API calls to the purge cache
          queueBaseURL                      The base URL for API calls to the queue service.
          region                            The EC2 region of the worker.
          requiredDiskSpaceMegabytes        The garbage collector will ensure at least this
                                            number of megabytes of disk space are available
                                            when each task starts. If it cannot free enough
                                            disk space, the worker will shut itself down.
                                            [default: 10240]
          runAfterUserCreation              A string, that if non-empty, will be treated as a
                                            command to be executed as the newly generated task
                                            user, after the user has been created, the machine
                                            has rebooted and the user has logged in, but before
                                            a task is run as that user. This is a way to
                                            provide generic user initialisation logic that
                                            should apply to all generated users (and thus all
                                            tasks) and be run as the task user itself. This
                                            option does *not* support running a command as
          runTasksAsCurrentUser             If true, users will not be created for tasks, but
                                            the current OS user will be used. [default: true]
          sentryProject                     The project name used in for
                                            reporting worker crashes. Permission to publish
                                            crash reports is granted via the scope
                                            auth:sentry:<sentryProject>. If the taskcluster
                                            client (see clientId property above) does not
                                            posses this scope, no crash reports will be sent.
                                            Similarly, if this property is not specified or
                                            is the empty string, no reports will be sent.
          shutdownMachineOnIdle             If true, when the worker is deemed to have been
                                            idle for enough time (see idleTimeoutSecs) the
                                            worker will issue an OS shutdown command. If false,
                                            the worker process will simply terminate, but the
                                            machine will not be shut down. [default: false]
          shutdownMachineOnInternalError    If true, if the worker encounters an unrecoverable
                                            error (such as not being able to write to a
                                            required file) it will shutdown the host
                                            computer. Note this is generally only desired
                                            for machines running in production, such as on AWS
                                            EC2 spot instances. Use with caution!
                                            [default: false]
          subdomain                         Subdomain to use in stateless dns name for live
                                            logs; see
          taskclusterProxyExecutable        Filepath of taskcluster-proxy executable to use; see
                                            [default: taskcluster-proxy]
          taskclusterProxyPort              Port number for taskcluster-proxy HTTP requests.
                                            [default: 80]
          tasksDir                          The location where task directories should be
                                            created on the worker. [default: /Users]
          workerGroup                       Typically this would be an aws region - an
                                            identifier to uniquely identify which pool of
                                            workers this worker logically belongs to.
                                            [default: test-worker-group]
          workerTypeMetaData                This arbitrary json blob will be included at the
                                            top of each task log. Providing information here,
                                            such as a URL to the code/config used to set up the
                                            worker type will mean that people running tasks on
                                            the worker type will have more information about how
                                            it was set up (for example what has been installed on
                                            the machine).

    If an optional config setting is not provided in the json configuration file, the
    default will be taken (defaults documented above).

    If no value can be determined for a required config setting, the generic-worker will
    exit with a failure message.

  Exit Codes:

    0      Tasks completed successfully; no more tasks to run (see config setting
    64     Not able to load specified generic-worker config file.
    65     Not able to install generic-worker on the system.
    66     Not able to create an OpenPGP key pair.
    67     A task user has been created, and the generic-worker needs to reboot in order
           to log on as the new task user. Note, the reboot happens automatically unless
           config setting disableReboots is set to true - in either code this exit code will
           be issued.
    68     The generic-worker hit its idle timeout limit (see config settings idleTimeoutSecs
           and shutdownMachineOnIdle).
    69     Worker panic - either a worker bug, or the environment is not suitable for running
           a task, e.g. a file cannot be written to the file system, or something else did
           not work that was required in order to execute a task. See config setting
    70     A new deploymentId has been issued in the AWS worker type configuration, meaning
           this worker environment is no longer up-to-date. Typcially workers should
    71     The worker was terminated via an interrupt signal (e.g. Ctrl-C pressed).
    72     The worker is running on spot infrastructure in AWS EC2 and has been served a
           spot termination notice, and therefore has shut down.
    73     The config provided to the worker is invalid.

Start the generic worker

Simply run:

generic-worker run --config <config file>

where <config file> is the generic worker config file you created above.

Create a test job

Go to and create a task to run on your generic worker.

Use this example as a template, but make sure to edit provisionerId and workerType values so that they match what you set in your config file.

Don't forget to submit the task by clicking the Create Task icon.

If all is well, your local generic worker should pick up the job you submit, run it, and report back status.

Run the generic worker test suite

For this you need to have the source files (you cannot run the tests from the binary package).

Then cd into the source directory, and run:

go test -v ./...

Making a new generic worker release

Run the script like so:

$ ./ 10.11.0

This will perform some checks, tag the repo, push the tag to github, which will then trigger travis-ci to run tests, and publish the new release.

Creating and updating worker types

See worker_types

Further information

Please see:


A generic worker for Taskcluster, written in go

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Go 85.1%Language:Shell 8.2%Language:Python 6.5%Language:Batchfile 0.2%