imballinst / react-bs-datatable

Bootstrap datatable without jQuery. Features include: filter, sort, pagination, checkbox, and control customization.

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Table does not sort when child is returned in <TableBody>

isabellachen opened this issue · comments

I was playing around with this code sandbox from another closed issue here, trying to get the rows to sort, but no success.

It was working in version 3.3.1 but is no longer working in later versions.

The problem is when TableBody returns the TableRow instead of directly calling

              { => {
                return <TableRow key={row.case_id} rowData={row} />;

Hey @isabellachen! Thanks for reporting this issue with sufficient description, I'll see what I can do.

hi @isabellachen, according to the API reference, where this is the source:

| ((rows: TTableRowType[]) => JSX.Element | JSX.Element[])
| JSX.Element
| JSX.Element[];

I think the children now should be a function rather than JSX elements (if we are using uncontrolled table). Something like this:

  {rows => {
    return => {
      return <TableRow key={row.case_id} rowData={row} />;

Probably it works in 3.3.1 because back in 3.3.1, TableBody doesn't accept children prop, so it renders the table properly 🤔

export interface TableBodyProps<TTableRowType extends TableRowType> {
/** Customize the labels of the `TableBody` component. */
labels?: TableBodyLabels;
/** Customize the classes of the `TableBody` component. */
classes?: TableBodyClasses;
/** The props passed to the table rows under `tbody`. */
rowProps?: TableRowProps | ((row: TTableRowType) => TableRowProps);
/** The function fired when any of the rows is clicked. */
onRowClick?: (row: TTableRowType) => void;
/** Props to make the component controlled. */
controlledProps?: {
* A record, which key is the column prop name and the value
* is of type `CheckboxState`.
checkboxState?: Record<string, CheckboxState>;
/** The function fired when any checkbox in the table changes. */
onCheckboxChange?: CheckboxOnChange;
* The filtered data length. When not using filter control,
* then this should equal to the table body's length.
filteredDataLength?: number;

Please let me know if you need further assistance. Thanks!

That was it. Thank you so much for the quick response!