imattferreira / dotfiles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


These are my favorite apps and extensions that I use in my day to day. To view the custom settings that I use in these apps and extensions, check the settings folder present in this repo.


  • PopOS - my day to day S.O that has some productivity utils;


  • Alacritty - terminal emulator;
  • Authy - 2FA authentication;
  • Beekeeper - relational database client and editor;
  • Firefox - web browser;
  • Chrome - web browser for development;
  • DaVinci Resolve - video editor;
  • Discord - place where I interact with the community;
  • Insomnia - API client and design tool;
  • MongoDB Compass - MongoDB client and editor;
  • VSCode - my favorite code editor;


  • OhMyZsh
  • Zinit
  • Spaceship

VSCode themes

  • Dracula Pro
  • Min Dark
  • Aura Pro
  • Dracula Theme
  • Luvia Theme
  • Moonlight

VSCode extensions

  • Android webview debugging - debug webapps in physical android device
  • Auto Rename Tag - rename the paired XML tags easily;
  • Better Comments - improve comments with some annotation colors;
  • Bookmarks - mark lines to view after;
  • Code Spell Checker + Brazilian Addon - spell checker to EN and PTBR;
  • Colorize - helper to visualize the CSS colors;
  • CSS in JS - helper and autocomplete for CSS in JS;
  • DotENV - syntax highlight for env files;
  • EditorConfig - add EditorConfig support for VSCode;
  • ESLint - integrate ESLint with code editor;
  • File Nesting Updater - organize better the VSCode explorer;
  • Fluent Icons - custom icon pack for VSCode;
  • Go - add support to GoLang
  • Import Cost - get the JS package import cost
  • Material Icon Theme - custom icon pack for files and folders;
  • PHP Intelephense - add intellisense support to PHP
  • Prisma - syntax highlight for PrismaORM;
  • Python Extension Pack - add support to Python
  • Rust-analyzer - add support to Rust
  • Sort Lines by Selection - sort multiples lines automatically
  • SVG Preview - view SVGs in inside of code editor;
  • TailwindCSS Intellisense - add intellisense support to TailwindCSS lib
  • Turbo Console Log - create helpful logs in seconds;
  • VSCode styled components - syntax highlight for StyledComponents;


  • Fira Code
  • JetBrains Mono
  • Ubuntu

Firefox extensions

  • - programming feed in the home-page of browser;
  • Dark Reader - web in the dark-side;
  • GNOME Shell integration - install Gnome extensions in seconds;
  • I still don't care about cookies - automatically deny website cookies;
  • Javascript Toggle On and Off - disable and reenable Javascript int website in seconds;
  • JSON Viewer - view JSON responses with a formatting;
  • LastPass - integration of LastPass with browser;
  • Octotree - view git project in tree-view;
  • Page Ruler - add a ruler in the website;
  • Pesticide for Chrome - add possibility to view all boxes of an website;
  • React Dev Tools - helper and debug for React websites;
  • Stylus - inject custom styles in websites;
  • UBlock Origin - adblocker
  • Wapalyzer - identify technologies of websites;


  • AWS - CaaS that I host services and websites;
  • Feedly - all subscribed feed RSS in a unique local
  • LastPass - password manager;
  • Parcel - track deliveries;
  • Spotify - audio streaming;
  • Vercel - CaaS that I host the my portfolio website;



Language:Shell 100.0%